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Guide to Tennis Camps & Workshops

Manhattan Plaza Racquet Club in Manhattan, New York
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Manhattan Plaza Racquet Club
Website advantagetennisclubs.com/tennis-clubs/mprc/
Program Description Players at the Manhattan Plaza Racquet Club have the chance to experience and enjoy everything NYC tennis has to offer. With access to five newly resurfaced hard-courts and an indoor/outdoor facility the MPRC has what you need to get in the game.
Program Focus Adult, Junior, Parent Child, Seniors, Singles, Women, Professional
Faculty Roger Dowdeswell, Bruce Barney, Marlie Buehler, Olivier Morel, Julien Morel, Pavlos Stephanides, Zuzana Nicoletti, Gabriel Slotnick, Stephen Brandi, Raymond Diez,
U.S. Locations Manhattan, New York
Months Year round
Sponsor's Facebook Page www.facebook.com/advantagetennisclubs
Contact Advantage Tennis Clubs
New York, NY
United States
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Nike Tennis Camps
Nike Tennis Camps provide young players the opportunity to improve their tennis game, work hard, make new friends and have a lot of fun.

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